Monday, July 15, 2013

Lesson 13: Be Yourself and Be Proud

Toby came from some pretty good lineage I'd say.  He had a beautiful stance and he walked very proudly.  Though he was a purebred he had his quirks.  He wasn't the smartest tool in the shed despite his crafty ability to get out of sticky situations or get sticky treats out of hard-to-reach locations.   And above that,  his bladder got a bit too excited to see people like he himself did.

Despite these qualities he always stood tall and didn't let these things bother him.  He always acted like he respected himself and was proud of who he was.   By nature,  this is difficult to do for many of us.  We tend to be humble and may have low self-esteem.

Like who you LOVE who you are.    God made you this way.  You are a gift and your uniqueness is what makes you special.   Some say that I'm a bit odd; that my ideas are strange.   Well, I'm secure enough to say "Yes!  I am kinda strange but I know that God loves me anyway."  My ideas may not take the road most travelled,  but they have purpose and may be really good if someone gives me a chance

If you don't live who you are, make a list of 10 good qualities about yourself.  Don't stop until you have the list of 10 complete.   Read the Bible or ask someone to help you find verses that encourage your self esteem.  Surround yourself with positive people.  You are who you hangout with most.

Get a Toby in your life. Dogs do wonders for one's attitude.  Know that you are blessed.  You are special.

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

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